Saturday, January 28, 2006

Reflection on Assignment and Blog

The assignment became known as "action research" and I have pushed it to be the throughline of all our professional development. I believe I stayed faithful to the assignment throughout its use in our professional development but have so far been unsuccessful at seeing the process embraced by the staff or have it produce positive results in student achievement. We are now entering a new phase of "action research" that is less action-oriented than the original assignment and more focused on researching questions that matter. My intent is that professional development become a central and sustainable feature of the work at the Bronx Guild.

My second reflection applies to the use of the blog. I was disappointed that more members of the team didn't use or contribute to the blog. I thought it would be a dynamic way to share knowledge and ideas while helping us stay on top of our project. I think that there was limited participation and limited result from sharing knowledge.

I'll create a new entry with some statistics...coming next.


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